The Rosary Tail
The Rosary Tail

The Rosary Tail
The Rosary Tail
He found it by his vehicle in a public parking lot. Was this Divine Providence or mere coincidence?
As the true story unfolds, the answer to this question is revealed.
Two beads on a short chain attached to a crucifix was all that remained of a rosary. Of no use as a rosary without the rest of it, did this once-blessed remnant yet have a spiritual purpose?
Author John Heithoff tells the inspirational story of how a broken rosary helped him with his broken faith. Without a known purpose, this “tail” of a rosary was used in secret as a crutch to hold up John’s faith in the weeks following its mysterious discovery. Touching the crucifix in his pocket while making a simple plea for the safety of his daughter and her unborn twin girls gave John moments of hope in anxious times. Then one climactic weekend, the rosary tail served as a channel for prayer and heavenly intercession, manifesting to John its sacred purpose.
Was it just a chance encounter that John alone was in the right place at the right time to find a lost, one-of-a-kind religious object? Or was this delivered to him at the appointed time when John was struggling with his faith? Was it just a coincidence that the object found was a crucifix with two beads from a rosary? Or did this foretell its special use in John’s hands? John’s ritual veneration of the rosary tail later, dipping its crucifix into holy water and then touching the crucifix to the foreheads of his grandchildren, attests to the answer in John’s heart.
The story of how The Rosary Tail helped John keep faith shaken under trial and find joy in God’s grace will enhance your trust in sacred objects, even broken ones. Don’t miss this fascinating tale about the rosary tail.